Where Do I Find My Books?

Recently I heard from one of my blog readers and friends, and she asked me where I find the books that I review. I thought that was a good question, and answered her… and then decided that possibly other blog readers are wondering the same thing! So if you have ever wondered where I find books, read on!

I have looked over the books that I have reviewed over the past year and have categorized them by where I got them/found out about them. (“Past year” is from the publishing of this post; the stats I gave my friend are slightly different since I’m publishing this about a month or so later than I answered her.) In this post, I would like to share those stats with you!

The majority of the books I review I find out about or get from other bloggers (Indie authors) or from other book review programs. This includes books I betaread, books I am given in exchange for an honest review, and books that I have seen positive reviews of on blogs/other sites that I trust and have decided to buy/ask my library to buy. 😛 Of the books that I have reviewed in the past year, twelve of them are in this category.

Coming in second place are books that I get from “other sources”. This includes books I borrow from friends/find out about from friends (other than online) or am given. I was actually surprised that this number is so high! Eight of the books I have reviewed in the last year are in this category.

The third source that I get books from is from my dad’s library! I’ve come to enjoy the challenge of reading more “grown up” books on theology, history, and the like, although sometimes they are very large books (I’ve been working on The Writings of John Leland for several months 😀 ). I’ve learned quite a bit from books that I borrowed from my dad, and I would recommend that you ask your dad for books to read if he has a library! Four of the books I reviewed in the last year are from my dad (I haven’t reviewed all of the books he’s let me borrow).

Coming in last place, the library is another place where I get books. I used to read and review a lot more books from the public library, but I have not found many good books there lately. However, some of the books in the first (Indie authors) and second (“other sources”) categories are also at my library, because I suggested they buy them. 😀 (And I’m being kind of generous in this category; two of the books I reviewed from the library I found out about from friends but were already at the library.) So this is not entirely scientific. 😉 Three of the books I’ve reviewed in the last year were from the library.

Well, now you know where I get my books from: online sources (Indie authors/book review programs), other sources (mostly friends), my dad, and the library!

Also, fun fact: according to this list, I’ve reviewed twenty-eight books in the past year! Since my schedule is to post every other week (and there are fifty-two weeks in a year), it went very well! (I’ve also reviewed a movie and written a couple other posts which were not reviews, so there were probably a couple blog tours where I posted extra.)

Where do you get most of your books? Where do you find out about most of your books? Let me know in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Where Do I Find My Books?

  1. Lilly W. says:

    I like this post. I may “steal” it to do on my blog sometime soon. 🙂 I wish the library had better books, though. Getting books from trusted friends is one of my favorite options (‘cept most my friends are romance readers).

    • Leona says:

      Lol, that’s fine! 🙂 Yeah, it’s too bad that public libraries often don’t have many good books. :/ Yes, sharing books with friends is a lot of fun! 🙂

  2. Hanne T says:

    I think my books are pretty evenly split between the library and book review programs! I also buy books (physical or e-copies) and read those but that’s less common.

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